5 tips to get more winter bookings

Learn how to fill up those winter weeks with additional bookings thanks to small tweaks to your holiday home that will make a big difference.

  1. Winter photography
  2. Promote Winter facilities
  3. Reward return guests
  4. Last minute discounts
  5. Make sure you are guest ready

Winter photography

Seasonal photography can help showcase the property in a new light. A cosy cottage may look better with brown leaves on the trees and a light layer of snow on the rooftop. Each property is different and as such will have a different personality that is trying to get out in the photography. Updating your photography throughout the winter months may help to twist guests' arms and help it to stand out against the many listings that show blue skies and green grass all year round. 

Promote your Winter facilities 

There is nothing better than coming home to a warm cottage after a wet and windy walk. Promoting your winter facilities such as a log burner, under floor heating or an open fire through photography, videography and copy writing can help to nudge guests that were considering booking. In Summer we talk about walking along the beach, whilst in Winter it’s all about cuddling up on the sofa in front of a warm fireplace with loved ones watching a movie. 

Reward return guests 

If you have owned your holiday cottage for a number of years and have managed to build up a positive reputation among previous guests it is a nice touch to offer return guests a discount to keep them coming back. Not only will it cost you less in marketing you are more likely to get positive feedback, which may also help to encourage new guests to stay at your property. 

Last minute discounts 

Price may just be the biggest reason a guest books your property or not. Priced too high and your property will be too expensive and priced too low and you won’t be making enough money for it to be a viable business. A last minute discount can help you to keep the higher price but offer short term discounts during quieter periods to increase any last minute attraction and encourage last minute bookings. 

Ensure the property is clean and guest ready.

Following the Summer months there is usually a slight drop off in bookings, this is a great time to get on top of any DIY that needs doing. Making sure the property is guest ready is vital all year round but throughout the winter season you may find guests are spending more time in the property and therefore any rooms that are looking a bit tired may be more noticeable than during the summer months.